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Daddy Freeze Vs Paul Adefarasin Pastor addresses recent ‘tithe’ controversy

Between Daddy Freeze and Pastor Paul Adefarasin of the House on the Rock church

During a midweek service on Wednesday, November 1, 2017, attended by Pulse Religion, Pastor Adefarasin delivered a sermon titled ‘Abraham’s Blessings Are Already Upon My Life’. The central Bible passages for the sermon were Hebrews 6:13–14; and Genesis 12: 1–3.

Thirty minutes into his sermon, the popular man of God started to talk mainly about the principle of tithing.

“Tithe is a way to show that God is the supplier of your resources. God blesses and I respond with my 10%. It is an honour system, it means the money is not your God. You won’t be cursed if you don’t tithe but when you tithe you are saying you recognise Him and it keeps the cycle moving,” said Paul Adefarasin.

This statement is based on Hebrews 7:5–8. He used the part of the Scripture to explain why it is important to pay tithe to ordained Men of God while noting that this payment is not compulsory, as it will not stop anyone from enjoying God’s blessings.

Pastor Adefarasin preaching during the Wednesday service

“He did not make everyone a preacher, Don’t let anyone tell you to take your tithe to charities, elsewhere.” he further said as he used Ephesians 4:11–14 as a reference.

Further, into the sermon, Pastor Paul Adefarasin spoke about people attacking the church.

In his words, “A guy can not just show up and say he is an overseer. He can’t. Overseer from where? Who is your father? Who ordained you? Where are you coming from? John Doe can not get up and say he is a pastor, there must be evidence of righteousness in his life.”

The pastor continued by saying, “Anyone that attacks the body of Christ is not a Man of God. You can’t attack the church and call yourself a Man of God. We have to have decency and order in the Body of Christ. Paul said, Let everything be done decently and in order.”

1 I Corinthians 14:40 - "Let all things be done decently and in order."

“If I have an issue with Pastor Adeboye, my responsibility, be in Christ as he is, is to go to Him. Especially because of the weight of his influence in the Body of Christ, Otherwise I am dividing the Body of Christ. Paul tells us to mark those that cause divisions in the body of Christ.”
“If your teaching veils Christ and doesn’t bring Him forth, then there is something wrong with you.”

Pastor Adefarasin preaching during the Wednesday service

At this point of the service, the congregation clapped and cheered heavily.
Recently, the issue of tithing and Paul Adefarasin has been in the news. Controversial media personality Freeze called out the House on the Rock Church leader for sneaking him into a sermon on October 16, 2017.

Dear Pastor Paul, I heard you snuck me into your sermon last Sunday, saying certain things about me, I sincerely hope this is untrue. - In my quest to teach the truth about Christianity and salvation, I have never for once, out of the abundance of my respect for you, spoken ill about you before my congregation. This is not to say that I agree entirely with your teaching, but it's borne out of reverence for the first Christian teacher, unto whom the custody of my tutorship was handed. - Like I mentioned to you the last time we spoke at length a few weeks ago, there is a rot in the body of Christ, from within the fold, emanating from the very ones entrusted with gathering and nurturing the sheep. - You might disagree with me in public, but I am positive, that in your quiet moments, when you dialogue with your soul, you, as well as most of the other shepherds, know that my message is the truth and that the revolution has become inevitable. - I am not here by my doing, but by the instance of the almighty Father, who has chosen me for a time like this. However, if you choose to disagree with the truth that I preach, do so wisely, so as not to make yourself a hurdle in the path of God's word. - If we study the book of 1st Corinthians 3:5-9 which says: [5] After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only God’s servants through whom you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. [6] I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. [7] It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. - In the scheme of things you and I are unimportant, we are simply 'planters' and 'waterers'; messengers and bearers of the word. What matters is God who makes the seed (message) grow and the people whom the message is meant for, so its not about you or I. - I am here to depopulate the 'temple of events' and populate the body of Christ, because what you call the church, is more of an events/business centre to me, as the Bible is clear in Acts 7:48 and Acts 17:24 that the LORD does not dwell in buildings made by human hands. ~FRZ - #FreeTheSheeple
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This was followed by another post on October 29th by Freeze about angry congregants allegedly walking out because of a sermon about tithing.

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